When do You Require to Undertake Tree Pruning?

Tree pruning is essential for healthy trees. It helps to maintain their shape and size, as well as encourages new growth. There are a number of reasons why you might need to undertake tree pruning in Newcastle . If your tree is overgrown, it can be dangerous and may even end up damaging nearby property or buildings. If its branches are too close together they could cause damage to the main trunk, effectively strangling the tree. The health of your trees will also be affected by a lack of pruning in Newcastle . Trees that are not regularly pruned can become susceptible to disease and pests, which could spread throughout your garden and potentially damage other trees in the area. When do You Require to Undertake Tree Pruning? If you notice any of the following problems with your tree, then it may be time for some pruning work: Overgrown Trunks - if a trunk grows upwards without being cut back then it will eventually become too thick for flower buds to develop at the top of the bran...